Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Myth #1 Humans Know What Kinds of Sleeping Quarters Cats Like Most

A well loved cat bed, ready for use (according to human standards)

Myth #1   Humans know what cats like in a cat bed

Months ago, a friend and fellow cat lover, gave me an almost new cat bed her cat decided it didn't need. As it was covered in a cool giraffe pattern, I took it and set it out in the lounge, waiting to see who would move in. All six walked by, eyeing it suspiciously before one decided to take the plunge and climb inside. Eren, brave soul, was hardly in it for more than a few moments, when Cooper pounced on top, crushing the bed with Eren inside. Eren scrambled out and a great tumble ensued on top of the crumpled bed for several minutes before both scampered off.

A short time later, Lacey walked by and moved in. Even though the bed was in its altered state, all crumpled, it must have looked inviting. Crunched and smashed is its permanent state of being now. It has been through the washer many times and is looking rather tired, but back it goes and it isn't long before someone has jumped on it and made it just right for a catnap.
                    The preferred way to enjoy a giraffe cat bed              

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Cats from Down Under

Today, as I celebrate the Summer Solstice, a friend down under celebrates the Winter Solstice. Where I live now, the days will get shorter as hers grow longer. She eagerly awaits the warmth of summer, while I anticipate the (incredibly lovely) coolness of winter. It wasn't long ago, I lived where she lives now, in New Zealand.

I am still adapting to the heat of June and July, having experienced big snows there in New Zealand during those months. Many expats there gather for the mid-winter Christmas in June, complete with big Thanksgiving-style dinners and holiday decorations.

We're all still acclimating to the east coast of the US, after having lived for years in New Zealand. My husband, kids and I brought only suitcases and a bunch of Kiwi cats on the plane. Along the way, we've added two more cats, bringing the total to half a dozen. They add to the family dynamic in delightful, charming, and sometimes chaotic ways, but always making the journey more fun.

Coming soon...myths about living with cats.